Valentine's Community Events This Weekend

Date: Oct/23/13 09:38:35 Views: 542

Happy Valentine’s Day Massacre Weekend everyone!

The Wilderness is full of Valentine’s Day Massacre events this weekend and we’d love to see you there - armed and dangerous. You can find full details of all events on the Valentine's Day Massacre thread, including a helpful introduction to the Wilderness and a calendar of events. The Clan Player-Killer Run-In (PKRI) challenge is set to be particularly intense, so if grouping with a band of Wilderness-roaming delinquents is your scene, The World's Biggest PKRI Weekend! thread is your friend.

We’re gunning for a Wilderness death toll of epic proportions this weekend too, and have launched a competition asking for your grim predictions. Whoever is closest to the actual kill count at the end of the weekend will bag themselves a Wilderness t-shirt and a RuneScape goody bag. All you have to do is send your prediction in the subject line of an email to [email protected]. Good luck!

Later today (Saturday 12 February), we’re also holding a Q&A session in which we’ll be the ones asking the questions. Mod Kat has a string of questions up her sleeve, but with a live Q&A, who knows where your answers will take the session? Check out the Live Q&A - We Ask You thread.

Whether you’re a lover or a fighter, have a wonderful Valentine’s Day Massacre weekend!