The best way to farm runescape gold in game

Date: Oct/23/13 09:38:35 Views: 555

RuneScape is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game from Jagex in which you explore a harsh world. The game's simple interface and expansive content allows players at all stages of development to gain gold through normal play. Playing with the sole intent to make gold is known as farming. It typically is done as a way to obtain cash to purchase expensive items and runescape gold that will enhance your character's effectiveness.
Study the Grand Exchange prices every day. This will give you the most efficient method on what profit or loss you will make on each farming run depending on if you purchase your seeds from the Grand Exchange, a seed shop, or a monster drop.
Use supercompost on every single patch you have. Supercompost decreases the chance of a diseased patch, as well a chance of more harvest. Supercompost is more expensive than regular compost, but well worth it.
Do herb runs as much as possible. Herb runs are the most profitable method in the farming skill. Know that if you do not have the herblore level to clean them, sell them on the Grand Exchange as the grimy version. A lot of herbs sell for more as grimy than clean.
Learn about the farmer payments and use them as much as you can. Farmer payments are items and foods that you give a nearby farmer to watch over your patch. This way, you don't have to run back and forth every 20 or so minutes to check up and water your patch, as they do it for you. However, there is still a chance of a patch getting diseased.
Time your farming and adjust your runs according to your real life schedule. It may sound confusing, but every time you log out of the game, the growing time will be extended more. Waiting for patches that takes a short time, such as allotments, herbs, and flowers can be successful if you're doing another skill, such as crafting, combat, woodcutting, etc. Patches that take a prolong time, such as trees can be planted in the morning and harvested late at night. You can even leave your farm runs there overnight, provided that a farmer is watching over them.