'Talk Like a Pirate' Community Events

Date: Oct/23/13 09:38:35 Views: 973

International Talk Like a Pirate Day isn’t always just fun and games. The noise of pirate merrymaking has awakened their ancient foes, the vampyres, who normally don’t surface until Halloween. So, now, these grumpy lords of the night wish to spoil the pirate party! But which be ye – pirate or vampyre?

This weekend (Saturday and Sunday), pirates and vampyres will not only compete to see who has the most style and flair in a costume display, they’ll also try to outdo each other with feats of derring-do in our special PvP event: The Conga of Death (and Undeath)! Then they’ll be fighting it out in the Trouble Brewing distillery to make ‘rum’ and sabotage their rivals. To top it all off, we even have a couple of treasure maps for you to decipher. Solving the maps will reveal the locations of the pirate and vampire parties we have planned!