Open runescape beta update

Date: Oct/23/13 09:38:35 Views: 439

There is no difference between release and beta at this point. If they "released" it now, it would remain in exactly the same state, and players could still use the java version if they wanted. Nothing is changing. It is going into open beta, which is practically a release considering the progress in the beta carries over to the progress in the HTML.It doesn't even anger me any more. It's just so laughable and sad.Been waiting a long time for the entire thing to load now.

With RuneScape 3 under a week away, we've updated the New Interface System beta so you can get a preview of the near-final version that will be replacing the existing one on July 22nd. From your feedback, we've made further improvements to the New Interface System, most notably, there's a super-slim mode, as well as some handy modifications to the bank interface. Check out the changelist here.

As mentioned when we announced the RuneScape 3 Gold release date, we've decided to keep the HTML5 game client in beta for the coming months. RS3 continues full steam ahead for launch on 22nd July, with the epic Battle of Lumbridge content, New Interface System, new audio system & music, upgraded camera and seasonal hiscores. The HTML5 beta client will remain available to try out, but we'll be recommending most players stick with the existing Java version.

With that said, the HTML5 beta is also now open to everyone, and can be used on the live game and the NIS beta, so you'll see three options on the beta page:


Java: This allows you to test the New Interface System through a stable Java client. If you want to just check out the NIS this is what we recommend. Because this version runs on dedicated beta servers, no game progress or losses here will be reflected in the live game.

HTML5: This allows you to access the New Interface System through the experimental HTML5 client. Again, any game progress you make here won't carry into the live game.


This allows you to access the live game through the experimental HTML5 client.

The HTML5 beta is best played in Google Chrome and you'll need to play on a reasonably new, high-spec computer. If you're experiencing low frame-rate and unreliable performance, update your graphics drivers. We can't overstate the importance of this - HTML5 is at the cutting edge of web technology, and graphics card manufacturers have only recently begun optimising their drivers for it. Take a look at our FAQ if you have any questions.

Please give both betas a go and let us know what you think. Your feedback has been really important in shaping the HTML5 client and the New Interface System.

Thanks for not releasing the HTML5 version of RS Gold yet. It wasn't quite ready as it had many performance issues. I'm glad you listened to player feedback and held it back (unlike what was done with the EoC release date). I will be looking forward to the downloadable HTML5 client when that is eventually available.