Dungeoneering Week

Date: Oct/23/13 09:38:35 Views: 575

Just over a year ago, Runescape official website launched thier most recent and most immersive skill; Dungeoneering. This skill encourages the bravest of the brave to risk the sinister depths of Daemonheim; to take on one of the powerful bosses who reside within and to learn the dark secrets that lie buried in the dark corners. To celebrate this epic skill and its one year anniversary they have created the Dungeoneering Week event! This event is open to all comers but they are focussing on and want to welcome those who have yet to try this fantastic piece of content.

They’ll be having some skilling sessions with their experienced Dungeoneering players. They know the ins and outs of Dungeoneering and if there was ever a group of players to help teach you the dark secrets of Dungeoneering it’s them. They’ll be hosting a few skilling workshops for those who want to learn more.

They’ll also be having a Q&A session with Mod Mark, RuneScape’s lead designer and an expert on Dungeoneering. He’ll be answering all your dungeon-themed questions, so this is the perfect chance for you to get the information you’ve been waiting for.