RuneFest Competitions - Closing Day

Date: Oct/23/13 09:38:35 Views: 484

Unless you’ve spent the past month with your fingers firmly in your ears and your eyes shut tight, you’ll no doubt have heard all about the Golden Gnome Video Awards and the RuneFest Gallery competition.

Today is the final day for each competition and both will be closing dead on midnight tonight (BST/official forum time). So, if you’ve not yet sent us your finest artwork or your best video, it’s now or never!

Once they're both closed, the difficult bit begins, as the judging panels retire to review the entries for each competition.

Golden Gnome finalists and artists whose art will adorn the walls of RuneFest will receive a message in their RuneScape inbox by the end of this week to hear what happens next. So, if you’re a competition entrant, make sure to check your messages!

We’ve really seen the quality of videos and artwork jump up in the last couple of months, so, on behalf of everyone here at Jagex, we’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who took part and for making the competition so much fun. We really have had a fantastic time reviewing your entries and will be very proud to present your work to the RuneFest 2010 audience.

If making videos isn’t your thing and your art skills are like mine (i.e. nonexistent), then don’t panic, as we have plenty more competitions on the way. In fact, if you’ve got a great idea for a competition, why not let us know?